Central Asian Studies
Central Asian Studies continues a series of scholarly books on Central Asia and the Himalayas started in the early 1970s by a British publisher. The series comprises some re-issues of the previous books, as well as new titles.
NOTE: Limited availability of some of the older titles.

Charles Masson of Afghanistan
Explorer, Archaeologist, Numismatist and Intelligence Agent
by Gordon Whitteridge
1986, 2002 184 pp., 13 b&w and 5 colour plates, 21.5 x 15 cm., hardbound.
ISBN-10: 974-524-020-6 $22.95
ISBN-13: 978-974-524-020-9
Masson was one of the most remarkable of British explorers, who wandered
over the Punjab, Baluchistan and Afghanistan, between 1827 and 1840, usually
alone and on foot. In Kabul he collected vast quantities of coins which
revealed previously unknown Graeco-Bactrian and Kushan monarchs and excavated
a large number of Buddhist monuments. During his Afghan sojourn he became
both an intimate of local amirs and warlords, and a reluctant participant
in the Great Game. Masson’s detailed observations of political intrigues,
factional strife and social divides among the Afghan population retain
significant relevance today, in our attempts to understand this complex
and fractious society.
“Details aside, Sir Gordon puts us vastly in debt by providing Masson’s first biography.
From this start research may begin to clear up remaining obscurities, yet
Masson’s personality will probably always remain an enigma.”
(Bulletin of SOAS, London) |

Studies in the Archaeology of India and Pakistan
by Jerome Jacobson (ed.)
1987. 327 pp., 6 plates, 29 figures and 5 maps, 24 x 16 cm., hardbound.
ISBN-10: 974-8304-61-2 $40.00
ISBN-13: 978-974-8304-61-8
“…this collection of essays represents
an extremely important compilation of major archaeological contributions
and will be an important reference book for Paleolithic and prehistoric
archaeologists, regardless of their geographical focus.” (Antiquity)