Central Asian Studies
Central Asian Studies continues a series of scholarly books on Central Asia and the Himalayas started in the early 1970s by a British publisher. The series comprises some re-issues of the previous books, as well as new titles.
NOTE: Limited availability of some of the older titles.

An Introduction to Classical Tibetan
by Stephen Hodge
Revised 1st edition, 212 pp., 24.5 x 17.5 cm., softcover.
ISBN-10: 974-524-039-7 $26.00
ISBN-13: 978-974-524-039-1
Classical Tibetan, with origins dating to the seventh century, is the language
found in a huge corpus of surviving Tibetan, mostly Buddhist, texts; native
Tibetans still employ this language, today, when writing on religious,
medical or historical subjects. This book aims
to provide a rapid introduction to the main elements of Classical Tibetan,
so that students may begin to access for themselves the vast amount of
available material. While designed for guided study, the book will also
be of use to those who tackle the language on their own. Steady study over
approximately six months should result in an understanding of most grammatical
features and allow the student to read the simpler prose texts. |